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Local residents keep up fight for third exit. | |
Ontario residents go to the polls June 3. | |
Editorial. | |
CCHS annual meeting and BBQ. | |
Clem's Corner. | |
Seniors resource directory now available. | |
Girl Guides face $56,000 school user fee. | |
Local soccer team makes it to provincial league. | |
Dance Alliance News. | |
What do you do when that Vet house is too small? Move it, of course. | |
Adopt-A-Program: Muslim Girls Swim. | |
Volunteers needed to Paint the Park. | |
Liberals vow to put education and health care first. | |
Cullen campaigns on political track record. | |
Programs for all agest this summer at Alexander Community Centre. | |
More than any election, this election is about choices. | |
Liberals prepare for battle in Ottawa Centre. | |
The Commuter Challenge: Don't pollute when you commute. | |
Electric cars fuel a 20-year passion for local resident. | |
Central Park Life: News and Views from Central Park. | |
Education Week at St. Elizabeth School. | |
Calling all youth: Alexander Summer Youth Basketball Tournament. | |
Farewll to Myrna Christopher. | |
An update on natural health products. | |
Pack Rat's Corner. | |
Community Events. | |
Carlington Chaplaincy Programs & Events. |