If you are looking for a type of dance that is done individually, offers a good aerobic workout without putting too much stress on the joints, and has the added bonus of creating a great tapping sound with the feet, why not give clogging a try?
Clogging originated in the Appalachian Mountains of the U.S. when early settlers from Europe and Africa combined their dance traditions. It is a percussion dance that utilizes a shoe with special clogging taps on the heels and toes. There are six basic clogging movements incorporated into many different steps which are often called by a cuer. The Carlington Community Cloggers is newly established group in the Carlington area. This small group of enthusiastic dancers can be found any Wednesday afternoon at the Alexander Community Centre. The goals of the group are to promote clogging in the National Capital Region, teach newcomers the basics of clogging and to socialize with fellow clogging enthusiasts.
Newcomers are very welcome to drop in and try this exciting dance style. The drop-in fee is $5.00 per session. If you would simply like to check out if clogging is for you, the group encourages people to stop by, no charge, to have a cup of coffee and observe the activities. Alexander Community Centre, 90 Silver St., Wednesdays from 1:00 to 3:00 pm (except March 15). For information call 729-4974.