Spring lifts all hearts, but especially a gardener's. As the Carlington community garden behind the health centre at Merivale and Coldrey emerges from the snow, it's time to plan for its sixth season.
If you are a gardener without a back yard of your own, you may be itching to get your fingers back in the dirt. The small gardens (10' x 12') at the Carlington community garden are free, although the Steering Committee asks that those who can afford it contribute $5 towards the tool and repair fund. There are tools and watering cans in a shared shed, and everyone is expected to volunteer an additional 10 hours a season on a job that helps the garden as a whole (path weeding, tool cleaning, repairs, compost pile maintenance, phoning). You are welcome to put your name on the waiting list for a spot. Please drop in for a copy of the rules and a registration form at 900 Merivale Road. There will be an information night for new gardeners on May 3.
If you have your own garden, you know how much your health benefits from the fresh vegetables and exercise. Can you help others enjoy our community garden by sharing your extras with us?
We welcome:
- Canadian Tire money
- leaves for the compost
- a flats or partial flats of bedding plants
- seeds
- a spades, shovels, hoes and hand tools
- watering cans
- hoses and nozzles
- and garden advice!
The gardeners' Steering Committee has worked hard on fundraising all last fall and winter, catering lunches and selling baked goods. It is time to thank them all, but especially Maymoune Dwaydar, Katie Mailly, Jamal Haider, Verona Palmer, Charlene Samson, Elicia Wernikowski, George Carley, Cathie Goodall and Remedios Imbang, for all the work that went into raising over $500 towards improving our water system and major new tools.
For more information, please call the new community garden coordinator at Carlington Community and Health Services, Wendy O'Connell-Smith.