W.E. Gowling principal Bernie Finnerty wants to send out “a huge thank you” to the parents who worked so hard to make the school's new play structure a reality. The structure, which meets new provincial safety guidelines, was put up during the week of June 5 at a cost of about $35,000.
Janet Donovan, outgoing school council chair, put long hours into coordinating plans and fundraising. She was to be honoured with a School Council Chair Award at the school's June 22 graduation ceremonies. Incoming September Chair Jayne Ditz-Mathewson organized regular hot dog and pizza days to raise funds. Special mention also went to Annette Parent, School Council Fundraiser, who brought off a string of special events including an outstanding carnival on June 10.
Adults getting their only chance to play in tons of sand.
Window Shopping? Two girls look at future fun.