New School Council
St. Elizabeth School has elected it's new Council for the current school year:
Chairperson: Betty L. Gauthier
Vice Chair: Sheldon Montroy
Secretary: Nicole Dunn
Treasurer: Emily Rozsa
Parish Rep: Ingrid Fryzek
Community Rep: Sharon Scales
Parent Association Rep: Kate Cooney
Volunteer Coordinator: Jocelyne Plunkett
Our Council is made up of a wide variety of experience and talents with everyone having a sincere commitment to assisting our students to succeed and advising our Principal and staff on educational issues affecting the children.
We have three main initiatives this year - to refurbish our pre-school classrooms, to support class trips and to continue to increase our number of English and French reference books in our library.
We are actively involved in our third year of the “Koalaty Kid” program which uses the techniques of Quality and Continuous Improvement in education with membership in a North American organization via sponsorship with two Community businesses.
We have an Early Literacy program organized by our Resource Teacher Ann D'Cruz supported by many volunteers which provides our students with added help at the critical beginning stage of reading.
We have received our “education” on Province wide testing as per the Provincial Government standards from our Board Research staff and are pursuing ways of assisting the students and staff in improving our record year over year.
The Council eagerly supports our school's “Peacemaker Program” with mature students assisting in the playground to resolve disputes as well as a “No Bullying” Program. Staff, Council and St. Elizabeth Church join together to create a school culture that fosters the gospel values of the Catholic Church and assists the children in preparing for the Sacraments.
Our yearly Fundraiser in currently underway with something for everyone on your Christmas list - we welcome your support of the children and the school with this initiative as it allows us to send children out to locations such as the Museum of Civilization and the Parliament Buildings for an education that is firsthand.
We are always in need of volunteers to assist with our programs which could be reading to students, distributing hot lunches, accompanying class trips or helping with our milk program. Please contact the school if you would like to join in and assist us in “continuous improvement” at St. Elizabeth School. Phone 728-4744.