Carlington Community and Health Services (CCHS) has begun a discussion and planning process to help the Centre look at trends in community needs, new challenges, service gaps, and service successes. CCHS provides a variety of health and social services to people who live or work in the area between Island Park/Fisher to the east, Woodroffe / Sherbourne to the west, Baseline to the south, and the Ottawa River to the north.
“The people who live in our communities keep changing, which means that the needs also change,” said Cathy Danbrook, President of the Board of Directors “Our strategic planning process provides an opportunity to see what the priority needs are and where we should put our efforts.”
“We will have discussions with many community members to help us determine what the Centre's priorities should be for the next three years,” said Mary Hegan, Chair of the Planning Committee and a Board member. “Are our current programs helping, and are there other groups and families with real needs that are not being met?”
Groups to be consulted during planning fall into four main categories. The first is community members, including representatives from local churches, community associations, service clubs, tenant groups, schools, parent teacher groups, etc. The second includes people in neighborhoods where we have satellite offices. Service partners are an important third group and include organizations that serve children, youth, the elderly, those with mental health problems, and the multicultural community. Finally, the staff, Board, and volunteers at CCHS itself will be consulted.
“With public input, we will set our service direction and define those activities which are most needed,” said Ms. Hegan. “Later this year we will report back to everyone about the results of our planning and the services available at CCHS.”
If you are interested in finding out more about the services offered at CCHS or about the planning process, please contact Mike Birmingham at 722-4000.