The Carlington Summit

Local Churches

Saint Bonaventure - catholique

1359 Chatelain
Curé: Père Roger Lacelle, 722-8040
Messes: samedi 19h
	dimanche 9h et 11h
Groupe de prière tous les mardis à 15h. Réunion: prière,
enseignement biblique, partage.

Saint Elizabeth - Roman Catholic

1303 Leaside
Father Dan Dubroy, 725-2242
Mass:	weekdays 9 am
	Saturday 5 pm
	Sunday 9 am, 11 am

Saint Peter's - Anglican

915 Merivale Road

Rev. Michael Fleming, 728-6010
The office is open on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings.

Sunday Services:
8:00 am: 	Holy Communion
9:30 am:	Children's chuch School
10:30 am: 	Family Eucharist
Wednesday Eucharist: 1st Wednesday of each month at 10:00am

Nicotine Anonymous meets Mondays 7-8 pm.

Church of God of Prophecy

930 Merivale Road
Sunday worship: 11am and 2pm