Alexander Community Association
President: Nancy Denny 722-4418
Pam Ford, Sue Campo, Cathy Benoit, Alana Carkner, Diane Lambert,
Valerie Falcioni, Frances Tanner, Colleen Ryan, Leni van Wyck, Carol
Cochrane, Anita O'Neill, Jen Tennant, Chris Blahout.
Oversees dance program at Alexander Community Centre. Sponsors
special events and summer day camp. AGM usually in September.
Bellevue Manor Tenants' Association
President: Rose Wakeham, 729-8885
Executive members: Thérèse Ladouceur, Lam Po.
Open to all Carlington tenants of Ottawa-Carleton Regional Housing
Authority. Organizes special events and dances. We are available to
assist tenants in dealing with OCRHA or with other tenants. Annual
general meeting in May.
Carlington Business Association
Contacts: Claude Séguin, Boone Plumbing, 1806 Woodward Drive
727-2666 and Peter Kelly, Rogers Canguard, 798-1566
Carlington Community Association
President: Jim MacLean
Keeps track of municipal affairs, especially planning, zoning and
traffic issues, and lobbies the City and Region to ensure
appropriate services and development in Carlington. Annual general
meeting in May.
Meets monthly @ Carlington Community
& Health Services, 900 Merivale Road
Upcoming meetings:
June 12, 2001 7pm
Central Park Citizens Group
The Central Park Citizens Group officially represents the interests of the
Citizens of Central Park.
Annual meeting is held in November.
St. Elizabeth Parents' Council
893 Admiral Avenue
Chair: Lee-Anne MacRae, 729-3934
Friends of the Farm
230-FARM (230-3276)
Offers educational and social activities at the Experimental Farm
plus a chance to support visitor services and the educational and
leisure components of the Farm. Please call if you would like to
support a millenium project to plant one tree of every Canadian
species in the Arboretum.
W.E. Gowling Parents' Council
250 Anna Avenue
Co-Chairs: Janet Campbell, Darlene Smiley 722-9687
Mooretown Tenants' Association
President: Carole Ford 729-3694
Executive members: Candace Stafford, LeeAnn MacRae, Allen Deering,
Hildy Sauvé, Gaye Durocher, Lucienne Larente, April Luberti.
Works to improve communications with and services from City Living
for tenants of Mooretown (City of Ottawa non-profit housing in the
area between Chevrier and Merivale, Shillington and Kingston).
Organizes special community events. Annual general meeting in May
along with flower giveaway.
The Summit is no longer publishing
Carlington Summit
P.O. Box 35082
Westgate Retail Postal Outlet
1309 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario
K1Z 7L3
An all-volunteer newspaper which publishes monthly except July and
August. Writers, photographers, layout helpers always welcome.
Deadline for stories and advertising: 20th of previous month.