The Carlington Summit

Come by and experience a warm welcome, coffee and bagel at the Strong Hold Community Home, Apt. 102, 1465 Caldwell Avenue, (Ring 101).

Monday - Friday Open Drop-In 9:00 - 12 noon and 1:00 - 3:30 p.m.

Carlington Community Chaplaincy Fall Programs

All programs take place in the Strong Hold Community Home unless otherwise specified

All programs are currently underway, except for Kids' Cooking and the Grief Support Group. Starting date will be announced in the next issue of the Summit for the Kids' Cooking and the Grief Support Group.

Thanksgiving Pot Luck Supper will be held Monday, October 11 at 5:30 p.m. at the Bellevue Community Centre, 1475 Caldwell Avenue. Please bring a meal item to share. Turkey will be provided. Entertainment to be announced later.

The Chaplaincy also provides Pastoral Care and pastoral visiting for Carlington residents. If you have concerns, please call Sue Taylor, Chaplain, 728-9933.