The Carlington Summit

This month's Carlington Summit includes more than the usual number of contributions from people with strong feelings on various issues with local significance: education, health care, and other social services we count on every day. As writer S. Sauve so clearly sums it up, the Carlington community has lost out all too often in local government spending decisions.

Municipal restructuring, with a transition team that seems to usurp all the powers of our elected politicians, warrants our full and careful attention. How will the assets and debts of the various jurisdictions be shared? What local recreation, social and health services will continue to be available? Will our “under-utilized” community schools close down? How will a community like ours get its needs recognized on a new city council where some rural voters will have more than twice the clout that we will have?

Summit readers are encouraged to consider all the arguments and voice their opinions, both in these pages and with their officials.

HOWEVER, please ensure that all letters to the editor provide an address or phone number so that we can contact you. (B.D. on Rosenthal, who are you?)