The Carlington Summit

Come express yourself through song and enjoy camaraderie and fun through music with the Ottawa Welsh Choral Society. The Ottawa Welsh Choral Society can provide a chance to experience one aspect of a Celtic culture and expand your musical experience.

There is no requirement for a member of the choir to speak Welsh or to have any previous knowledge of Welsh. A large number of our members are not of Welsh descent.

Forty percent of our repertoire is Welsh music, sung in English and Welsh: sacred, popular and folk. The other 60 % of our repertoire is Canadian music, popular songs, spirituals, show tunes and folk songs, sung in English. One of the many activities of the choir is to sing at Gymanfoedd Ganu - a coming together to sing Welsh hymns and anthems. It is a rousing experience.

The Choir sings at two formal concerts a year and also performs at Welsh Society functions amongst other engagements. On the Labour Day Weekend of 2000, there was a national Gymanfa Ganu here in Ottawa and the choir participated in it. It was a wonderful expression of the living Welsh heritage in North America and was a thrilling experience for everyone who participated.

We are also prepared to offer a scholarship of $50 per term to music students in the area who might be interested in singing with us.

The Director may hold informal auditions for placement and balance within the choir; the audition will be arranged at the new member's first practice. We even have a few members in the choir who cannot read music but who have good voices and ears. The choir takes sopranos, altos, tenors and basses.

Wednesdays 8:00 to 10:00 p.m.
Bromley Road Baptist Church
1900 Lauder Dr.
(near Maitland and Carling Avenues.)

First Practice
Wednesday, January 3, 2001, 8:00 p.m.

For more information contact:

Laurie Jenkins 722-3292
John Parsons 234-7127