Sculptor shares his creations with neighbourhood. by Frances Tanner. [-1-] [-2-] [-3-] Dance Alliance News. [-4-] Greg's Editorial. Clem's Corner. by H. J. McClemens. Merivale and Red Light Cameras. Summer Slam Jam Festival in Park a Huge Success!. [-5-] [-6-] Orange Lodge pays off health centre mortgage. by Frances Tanner. W.E. Gowling Students Facing an Uncertain Future. by Greg Clunis. Restaurant Equipment Supplier Relocates to Carlington. by Wayne Kennedy. Pack Rat's Corner. by Garry Hogan. News from the heart of Bellevue. by Lorena Morris, Director. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Queen's Park Report. by Richard Patten. Frightful Fun Planned for Halloween Pre-Teen Dance at Alexander!. BEL-AIR COPELAND LIONS FOOTBALL. [-7-] [-8-] [-9-] [-10-] [-11-] Helping Others Help Themselves. by John Hunton. CARLINGTON COMMUNITY AND HEALTH SERVICES: ADOPT-A-PROGRAM: GOOD FOOD BOX. Community Events. Adopt a pet program. [-12-] Carlington Community Chaplaincy. Road Rage Alive and Well in Ontario. Volunteers Needed. Cullen appointed to Council on Aging. Central Park Update. by Matthew Darwin. You and the law: Applying for disability benefits. by Laurie E. Joe. Parliament Hill Report: Pre-budget consultations begin October 21. by Marlene Catterall. Disabled Persons Community Resources Serving Carlington. by Sylvia Picciano. Summit Statements. Carlington Community Gardeners Recipes.